Learning to trust God is not always as easy as it seems. Being led by God is an ongoing process; we must always prepare our hearts to listen and obey Him every chance we get.
I learned that lesson eight years ago.
In 2011, there was local women’s retreat I really wanted to attend. I didn’t have the money to pay for the retreat, so I started saving money for my ticket months in advance. Every week, I went to the local recycling center to redeem our cans and plastics for cash to put towards my savings for the retreat.
Exactly one day before the retreat payment was due, I made my weekly trip down to the recycling center. I was excited about this particular recycling trip because I was only a few dollars short of my goal. Surely after this trip, I would have enough money to pray for my retreat ticket.
As I walked up to the recycling center, I saw a homeless woman on the side of the building. I walked quickly past her to redeem my recycling.
While handing the cashier my cans, I heard God say to me, “give the cash you receive to the woman on the side of the building.”
Are you sure, God? I thought to myself. You want me to give away the rest of the money? The money I need for the women’s retreat?
Clearly, I heard God say again, “give the cash you receive to the woman on the side of the building. Trust Me.”
Honestly, I did not want to give away that money. I had plans for that money.
Why would God tell me to do this? I thought.
As I walked out of the recycling center and past the woman, I did exactly as God told me to do. I smiled and gave the woman the money I received from my recycling that day.
On my way to church the next morning, I rehearsed in my head how I was going to tell the retreat organizer that I wouldn’t be able to make it to the retreat because I didn’t have enough money for a ticket.
When I walked into the church, the retreat organizer sat by the door. I approached her and started to share my dilemma. “Good morning, I just wanted to let you know —”
But before I completed my sentence, she cut me off.
“Good news, Victoria!” she said with a smile. “Someone paid for you to attend the women’s retreat. Here’s your ticket. Have a great time!”
At that moment, I learned the importance of being led by God.
Was my retreat blessing attached to my obedience to God the day before? Maybe, maybe not. Only God knows. But I received a bigger blessing than a women’s retreat ticket that day. I learned what it was to be led by God.
God knew I wanted to go to that women’s retreat, and He knew I wouldn’t have enough money to pay for a ticket. He told me to trust Him because He knew my retreat was already paid for. All I had to do was obey.
God proved Himself to me that day. He proved that He sees me, He knows me, and He blesses those who are obedient to Him.
Has God ever told you to do something and you weren’t sure what was going to happen next?
Rest assured that if God tells you to do something, He will be with you every step of the way.
See, I am sending an angel before you to protect you on your journey and lead you safely to the place I have prepared for you.
Exodus 23:20
In the scripture above, God told the Israelites that He would send an Angel to lead them along their journey to the Promised Land. The people didn’t have a GPS, maps, or a plan to get them there. They had to trust and rely on God’s leading the entire way.
I believe God is telling us the same thing. He wants to lead us and guide us along our journey. We don’t have the answers to everything that will happen along the way, but God does. All we have to do is stop, listen, and obey Him to receive all He has for us.