Your relationship with Jesus doesn’t end after church is over.
Quiet Time With Jesus is a lifestyle blog that encourages cultivating a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. As a Christian Millennial, I have learned that the true testament of our faith in Christ is the fruit of our lifestyle. How we choose to act, react, and live are all a direct reflection of our relationship with God. By developing a deeper relationship with Him, only then will we be able to experience the abundant life He has promised to us.
Quiet Time With Jesus writes to inspire and motivate women to live life according to God’s Word. By developing a close and intimate relationship with God through Jesus Christ, we can live abundant lives just as God promised.
The world has many definitions of what a “Christian” is. The Bible tells us that as Christians, we are to be like and follow the example of Jesus Christ.
The #1 privilege we have as Christians is having the opportunity to experience a personal relationship and INTIMACY with God. God is our Heavenly Father, and we are His children. And because of that, He desires to have a personal relationship with each one of us.

What We Believe:
God Loves You
God loves you as His own, and He sees you as His child whom He loves and cares for. (2 Corinthians 6:18).
He is The One True and Living God
We believe God is the One True Living God – the Creator of all things, the All-Powerful One. (Genesis 1:1, Psalm 146:6).
You Belong to Him
When you accept Jesus Christ into your heart, you become a child of God. (Galatians 3:26).
His Word is Truth
We believe God’s Word is the Ultimate Truth, and we use the scriptures to set the standard for how we live our lives (John 17:17).
God’s Spirit Lives Within Us
We believe in the power and leading of the Holy Spirit that is given to us when we give our lives to Jesus Christ. (John 14:26)
Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior
We are committed to Jesus Christ, and we believe He died for our sins, rose again and reconciled us back to God. (1 Peter 3:18).

Meet the Founder
Victoria Tiffany, Founder of Quiet Time With Jesus
Hi! I’m Victoria, a Christian Millennial with a lot to say. I am a military wife, mom, and ordained minister. I grew up going to church every Sunday with my family and had a very happy childhood. I fell in love with Jesus at a young age and experienced Him in many personal ways as a young child.
“Passionate about living a life pleasing to God, I had many questions, but very few examples of what a Millennial Christian woman should look like. I wanted to become an example of how to live a fulfilled life in Christ.”
Victoria Tiffany
I originally founded this blog in 2013 (previously named The Pretty Girl’s Life), shortly after I re-dedicated my life to Jesus Christ and committed myself to serve Him with my whole heart. Passionate about living a life pleasing to God, I had many questions, but very few examples of what a millennial Christian woman should look like. I wanted to become an example of how to live a fulfilling life in Christ. I now write and create to encourage, strengthen, and build up other women with the Word of God.
Now, I use my creative gifts to share my love for Christ with the world. My passion is to share the good news in practical ways so everyone can receive Him and live an abundant life through Christ.