God is always speaking. Whether a soft voice or a calm whisper, more than likely you have heard God speaking to you on more than one occasion. Some people like to call it “intuition” while others say, “something just told me”. Most likely, that small inclination within yourself was the Holy Spirit talking with you.
Thanks to movies and entertainment, many of us believe the earth has to shake, the sky has to rumble, and fire has to come from the sky for God to speak. Although He may choose to rain fire from the sky (ask the Prophet Elijah) God can speak to you in many ways.
You have to train your ear to hear God’s voice.
Take Samuel for example.
One night, God called out to Samuel. As a young boy, Samuel didn’t recognize the voice of God. He assumed it was his mentor Eli calling his name (read 1 Samuel 3).
Samuel! Samuel! God called.
Samuel: Here I am! (running to Eli) I heard you calling; here I am!
Eli: I did not call you, my son. Go back, and lie down.
So Samuel went back to bed. But God called him again.
God: Samuel!
Samuel (running to Eli): I heard you calling; here I am!
Eli: No, I did not call you, my son. Go back, and lie down. I need my rest.
So Samuel went back again to his bed. And God called him a third time.
Samuel (running to Eli): I know you called me; I am here!
Eli (realizing the Lord was calling Samuel): Go back and lie down, my son. If the voice calls you again, I want you to say, “Speak, God. Your servant is listening.”
So Samuel went to his bed in his place and listened. Then God came into his presence.
God: Samuel! Samuel!
Samuel: Speak, Lord. Your servant is listening.
God: Pay attention! I am about to do something so amazing in Israel…
God is always calling your name.
When Samuel noticed God was calling his name, He was able to stop and pay attention to everything God had to say to h
When God calls to spend time with you, will you answer?
How many times has God called your names to spend time with you, yet you were too busy to stop and listen? It’s not that God isn’t speaking, the problem is that we don’t stop to listen.
My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me.” And my heart responds, “LORD, I am coming.” Psalm 27:8
Even though it is good to study the scriptures, read our bibles, and pray without ceasing, how often do we stop to hear what God is saying to us? In your prayer time, are you the only one doing all the talking? Are you reading your bible without stopping to hear what God’s voice is saying behind the words on the page?
The more you practice learning to hear God, the more you will learn what it sounds like when He is talking to you. Listen for Him throughout the day, and during your quiet time. When you expect to hear God, He speaks.
As we prepare our hearts for the beginning of a new year, let’s be intentional about stopping to hear God’s voice. Listen for Him wherever you go, and be ready to listen when He speaks.
Grab your bible, and read the scriptures for yourself to complete today’s Scripture Reading Challenge. What are your thoughts on today’s passage? Share with us in the comments below or head on over to our Facebook page to join the conversation!